Classical Art for Homeschoolers
Resources by McEvoy Atelier

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Why is Classical Art Important?

Most art students have never even heard of foundational drawing vocabulary words such as contour, reflected light and more. Which is why most art student graduates can not draw well.Easy ways  to add art without having to buy additional curriculum. 
We teach you to See Simply ~ To Draw Simply >Read 
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10 Ways to Add Art into Your Homeschool

Art comes naturally to most children, they start drawing or scribbling at a very young age. Once we start homeschooling we wonder just how to add art into our homeschool life. So, we have come up with “10 Easy Ways to Add Art Into Your Homeschool” without having to buy additional curriculum. Below is our video “7 Ways to Add Art Into Your Homeschool”, we added 3 more ways! >Read
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IHIP Resources for Homeschoolers

Individualized Home Instruction Plan for Classical Art for Homeschoolers - How to fill it out!
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Classical Art History Timeline for Homeschool

Classical Art curriculum for homeschoolers is built on the shoulders of giants
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Art History Books for Homeschoolers

Great Books to build your professional art library.
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Classical Art for Homeschoolers Museums

Museums to visit: once you've studied classical art, you'll see the masterworks in a whole new way!

McE Art

McEvoy Atelier Artpedia Collection of
Important Artist and Masterworks

Classical Art Vocabulary

Classical Art has its own unique vocabulary so we have added our own section for own students to understand exactly what is taught in our courses.